Fully licensed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL)

In order to be able to use transformers or other electrotechnical compents in the USA and Canada, appropriate UL/CSA approval is usually required.

Since there are a large number of different UL/CSA approvals, it is important to know which standard and category code the corresponding product is approved according. Often, a corresponding logo is simply searched on the product and found to be suitable. This can lead to considerable problems during commissioning in the USA and Canada. To make sure that a product has been rightfully licensed, please check under www.ul.com. The menu item „Online Certification
Directory“ will lead you to the matching information.

For the use of our transformers and electrical components we have UL approvals in the categories “Construction Only“, “Electrical Insulating System”, “Full-License” and “License for Switchboards”.

More information about our UL approvals